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About Dolphin Spotter

Dolphin Spotter is your essential tool for embracing the wonder of dolphin sightings and connecting with fellow enthusiasts. Whether you're a marine enthusiast, a researcher, or simply someone captivated by these magnificent creatures, Dolphin Spotter provides a seamless platform to document, share, and celebrate your dolphin encounters.


With Dolphin Spotter, recording dolphin sightings is a breeze. Simply use the app to mark the location on the map where you spotted dolphins, input details about the sighting, and even include captivating photos to share the experience with others. Your sighting will be securely saved and shared with fellow users nearby, fostering a vibrant community of dolphin lovers eager to learn and explore together.


Key Features:


Effortless Recording: Become a dolphin spotter with ease by using the app to pinpoint the exact location of your sightings, and effortlessly input details such as species, behavior, and group size.


Real-time Notifications: Stay in the loop about dolphin sightings in your area with instant notifications. Never miss an opportunity to witness these incredible creatures in their natural habitat.


Visual Documentation: Enhance your sightings with photos. Capture the beauty of dolphins in their element and share your experiences with the community.

Dolphin Spotter isn't just an app; it's a gateway to a world of discovery and connection. Join our community today and be part of a global effort to appreciate and protect these magnificent marine mammals. 


Download Dolphin Spotter now and let the adventure begin!

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